If you are planning on buying a car, you should buy this book about lemon laws first. Written in plain, understandable English and is packed full of information. Information not only about what to do if your car turns out to be a lemon, but also how to avoid buying a lemon in the first place. Steve Lehto's book is a much-needed, non-technical guide to automobile law.

The Lemon Law Bible does a great job of explaining the definitions of "lemons" and how to go about documenting what you need if you have a lemon. It also answers many common questions that people have about lemon laws and the various terms.

This book contains appendixes which are very helpful including all state and federal laws related to lemons, a sample letter to send the car manufacturer if you believe you have a lemon.
The book also gives tips on selecting an attorney to represent you (they should do it at no fee since they will be reimbursed by the car manufacturer if you win), pulling together documentation, etc. The author also makes it clear that it is the manufacturer and not the dealer who is responsible for handling lemons under the law. The best price can be found there for The Lemon Law Bible.

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